Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the new layout of Sorcerer’s Apprentice!
After a long (long) time I finally sat down and committed to a new, improved version of the layout that would both be easier for you to navigate as well as easy for me to update. It wasn’t easy. Pretty much everything that can go wrong did. Servers refused to work, WordPress refused to install, ComicPress was giving me a hard time, file uploads got mangled, wrongly named, put in the wrong place, uploads ended up in the wrong order. Now everything as it should be (mostly, as you’ll see later on) So what’s new?
*Updated archives and characters pages
*Shop page to purchase print and digital versions (coming soon) of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
*A fan art page (with a link so art can be sent to me)
*An extras page which will soon be filled with free goodies
*Be able to subscribe to an RSS feed and be alerted to new pages as soon as they are loaded
*Share pages and links on twitter, facebook and other networking sites
*The ability to leave comments on the page including questions or pointing out errors/mistakes
The site is mostly done now and just needs some minor tweaking. Later in the month the site will start hosting ads to help support website and materials costs, a few graphical enhancements here and there and some slight navigation improvements. As many of you might see, the current page is actually one from a week back. This is because of a minor scheduling snafoo when naming the pages. The updates will still happen, however, they will just show up later in the week: Monday’s page will appear on Thursday, Wednesday’s page on Friday and Friday’s page on Saturday–and after that the updates *should* be normal.
I would fix it earlier, but that would require renaming 380+files, and I’ve already done that 5 times. I’m not doing it a 6th.