Over the weekend I have finished Sorcerer’s Apprentice volume 2. The next step is to get it edited and have a proof ordered, and once the proof is approved the second volume will be available on Indy Planet by the end of the month or so. If you’re waffling about whether to buy the book or just wait for the free webcomic I’ll let you in on a piece of information. It’ll be a loooong time before half the pages will be online. Even chapter 10 which is airing now won’t be over until probably end of February. If you buy the book when it goes for sale you’ll be able to read the rest of chapter 10 and all of 11 and 12 months before the pages will go online. So if you needed a reason, that’s the one.

In the meantime with book 2 done, my next immediate concern is…book 3! I’m going to use all my gumption and pluck to get the book done before Denver Comic Con this year. I’ll be able to go back to regular updates of my other projects such as Queen of Games, and I’ll also be taking commissions again, so if you’ve been aching for me to do you some art, I’m open for that again.