Hello my darlings! I finally know why my tablet has been on the fritz, it took a few days to get to the bottom of it, but the short version is the pen that goes with the tablet is broken and I need a new one. I was fully prepared to buy it off of Amazon as soon as I found out, but turns out that they are out of stock for the moment. I’d buy it elsewhere but it’s much more expensive on other sites and it’s not a cheap part to replace to begin with. So for now we’re just going to have to sit around a little bit more until Amazon gets a new shipment. Or I find another place to buy it that won’t charge an arm and a leg and still demand shipping on top of that.
Even with the current lack of access to digital stuff the book is still moving forward. The chapter art is just about settled and I managed to find a way to clean up the pages so they’ll be ready to be screentoned. Unfortunately you really can’t screentone without a working pen, so I really can’t work without it. I’ll keep everyone updated on everything so keep following me on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news.