Big update time that you guys need to be aware of. I’ve decided to change the series’ update schedule from three days a week down to two days a week. Now instead of new pages every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, updates will be on Tuesday and Thursday instead. This was primarily a business decision. Sorcerer’s Apprentice eats up a lot of time. To try to stick to an every-six-months-book-release schedule, I’ve essentially been working 6 days a week, and with working on two other series at the same time, I’ve been working seven days a week. And unfortunately, not a lot to show for it. The biggest bringer of revenue for the site is ad revenue, but at the moment I don’t even make a dollar a week in ads. As such, I put off virtually every project I have, including ones that potentially could pay more in order to try to get Sorcerer’ Apprentice posted every week. Which financially feels a little silly. I end up investing far, far more into producing the books that I ever see back. I know that could change, and I know a lot of you have wanted to buy the books and have been unable to. I’m working on rectifying at least a few of the obstacles to make buying the books a little easier, but Volume 1 has been available from Bwillett Comics directly for the better part of a year. You guys just aren’t buying them. And when I’m putting off paying projects to get a deadline I set for myself, I’m essentially being an idiot.

What this does NOT mean:

  •  That Sorcerer’s Apprentice is canceled.
  • That Sorcerer’s Apprentice is on hiatus
  • That Sorcerer’s Apprentice v.2 won’t be available for purchase soon.
  • That there won’t be future volumes past v.2 available for sale
  • That updates will have huge gaps between them.
  • That I won’t go back to 3 days a week one day

What it DOES mean:

  • I’ll only work on Sorcerer’s Apprentice on weekends at the same time as pages of Midnight Menagerie
  • The updates will be less often so I can start pursuing paid projects and commissions. Girl’s gotta eat.
  • That more commission spots are private projects will be available for you guys to take advantage of.

I hope everyone will respect this decision. It really, really wasn’t easy for me, because I LOVE Sorcerer’s Apprentice and working on the series, but I need to start using my time in such a way that I start seeing more results from my investments. The more popular Sorcerer’s Apprentice gets and the more money it makes, the more work you’ll see from me. Until that happens, this is just the path I have to take.